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That Broken- Up You Is A Better You

| Restoration

Jesus Was Broken To Give HOPE To The Broken.

You may have failed, but God didn’t. There are things about us, flaws, failure, weaknesses, patterns of behavior that many will say disqualify us. Those failures do not nullify God’s grace to and through you. His grace and purpose is bigger than your failure or blunder.

You feel like damaged goods, like you’ve been ruined in God’s eyes or in the eyes of others. The hard-to-believe, but the beautiful truth is that broken-up you is a better you.

You are as precious to your heavenly Father as you have ever been, and He is using every inch of your heartache, failure, or regret to make you more of what He created you to be and to give you more of what He created you to enjoy — Himself!

Jesus went before the brokenhearted to pave the way for joy in pain. We live, survive, and thrive by looking to him, “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.” (Heb 12:2)


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