Don’t Make Resolutions. Make Commitments To Change
This time of year, we’re all thinking about change. We’re going to change our diet, go to the gym, and finally lose that unwanted weight (blah, blah, blah)
Why are we so consumed with change? Let’s be honest, because we love ourselves, we want our best life now. In many ways, our resolutions for change can be primarily driven by the kingdom of “me”.
You can sum up God’s agenda for your life in one word: CHANGE!
It makes no sense to consider personal change, if you aren’t up for change, but we actually it makes no sense to consider personal change if God isn’t up for change. This is where change begins!
I am deeply persuaded that the problem with some is not that we’re dissatisfied; no, I think we’re all too easily satisfied! You should be content with God’s plan for your life and rest in His forgiving grace, but should never be satisfied with who you are.
I have shed many tears over Psalm 51. I have been grieved by my lack of desire to change, but that doesn’t last long. My tears have been tears of joy and gratitude, because the Lord is committed to changing David and me and you, even when we don’t want it.