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“I Can’t Seem To Move Forward…”

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My friends words rang loud, “I can’t see to move forward.” I am an empath and opened my heart and shared my journey and advice. I pray it encourages you, as you prepare for the New Year.

In times when we feel stuck and unable to move forward, God may be pointing out the reason, we can feel stuck because we are hanging on to the baggage from the past! It’s a lot of weight to be dragging around. God wants you to stop dwelling on the past, leave it with Him, so you can move forward.

Yes, it’s hard sometimes not to look back and lament over those wasted years, but seeing God take a small stream of faith and turn it into an ocean of blessings erases those thoughts. (Isa 43:18-20)

He is making all things NEW, and I am so grateful!


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